I had an observation today. After all this blog is about observing Love in the world and reporting it so we can practice it. You can disagree, as I have stated in the last post, I am no expert on Love. But, with practice, we can all be better at it.
My observation is this: All people want to feel beautiful, loved and young. All marketing seems to point to these three pillars. Some people equate beauty with youth but they are far from being the same. Why is it that if a hundred people tell us that we are beautiful and one person tells us we are ugly that we believe the one and not the hundred?
I have taken a number of arts and humanities classes and learned the same thing from every class. There is no ugly. God made all things. God knows no ugly. Everything is formed out of Love because God is Love. In the same vane, an artist creates art and that art is created out of love even if it is an expression of angst. I don't want to get into a discussion about art except to say that art does not contain the ugliness it draws it out of us.
Is a sunny day beautiful? How about then, a rainy day? If you look at a rainy day as, "I can't go outside; the sky is grey; the streets are flooded; I can't see; there are mud puddles; etc." then it seems ugly. But your perception is not reality, it is YOUR reality. The source of ugliness is you. What you think and what you place on that rainy day is the ugliness. It has little to do with the rain.
Rain is the most magical thing in nature. Water as invisible vapors bonds together with its closest buddies to form a droplet too heavy for the air to hold anymore. Millions of tiny droplets form and fall out of the thick air as if by magic. Each droplet holds life. It hold sustenance for every living thing on this planet. The sky is drained of color for a moment so that color can enrich the life on this planet. If you don't believe me, look for a moment at the green grass and trees in a storm. Vibrant and rich. The very essence of life and beauty are captured perfectly in one drop of rain, but there are millions. Unfathomable beauty.
When you look at something and say it is ugly, remember that the ugliness is in you. It is in your projection on top of what God has perfectly created. It has nothing to do with the purpose of that thing. The purpose of rain is to bring life to every blade of grass, every tree, every human and living thing. To find your own beauty, one must look to one's own purpose.
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