When you fall in love, you have the ability to filter out all the bad traits and actions about the person and only see the good. Love paints its own picture. It is a combination of reality, attraction, and what you want to see. Oh, our friends and family see the whole reality, but we seldom do. But Love changes our eyes and we see things differently. Things may not be changed but they are to us. That is not reality, it is our reality. But there is no other kind of reality but our own, because that is how we record things in our own mind.
When you are duped or dumped or cheated on by the person we love, that perspective changes in an instant. Over the next minutes, hours, days, weeks, months that person we saw through Love's eyes changes. It gets flipped. The mind only remembers all the bad things and probably as a defense mechanism, they turn ugly.
You see, consciously or unconsciously, we choose to love. Falling in love is an expression that we use to describe it, because if I said, "I am choosing to love you." something is lost in the translation. It is a little dry. Falling sounds out of your control and more romantic. But loving is an action and it has to be chosen. Like blogging. It takes thought and effort.
How do we harness this Love? You know you can be walking down the street or driving or sitting in a library and someone can do something or say something that makes you explode with anger. Where does that come from? How do we suddenly change and energy seemingly nonexistent bursts from us like a fountain? How about when you run into an old dear friend at the grocery store while you are thinking, "Milk, eggs, butter, bread..." and suddenly you burst into high pitch screeches, smiles, hugs. Life changed in an instant.
Our mind has a lot to do with it and we can harness this power whenever we want. Many great minds have come to this conclusion, change your mind, change your reality. To live in a loving world we must actively love. Choose to look at the world through those fall in love eyes. Love everybody. Seek out people to send loving thoughts to. Smile. Look at every situation that you are in as an expression designed for you to love or given to you to express love.
This is a discipline. Like exercising. You have to practice. It is hard at first. You won't want to do it. In fact, I have found, that you have to make "exercises" for yourself. While my wife was pregnant, I made an effort to silently bless or pray for every pregnant woman I saw. After awhile, every pregnant woman made me happy, still do, and I still bless them.
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