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Showing posts from December, 2013

Harness the Power of Love

When you fall in love, you have the ability to filter out all the bad traits and actions about the person and only see the good. Love paints its own picture. It is a combination of reality, attraction, and what you want to see. Oh, our friends and family see the whole reality, but we seldom do. But Love changes our eyes and we see things differently. Things may not be changed but they are to us. That is not reality, it is our reality. But there is no other kind of reality but our own, because that is how we record things in our own mind. When you are duped or dumped or cheated on by the person we love, that perspective changes in an instant. Over the next minutes, hours, days, weeks, months that person we saw through Love's eyes changes. It gets flipped. The mind only remembers all the bad things and probably as a defense mechanism, they turn ugly. You see, consciously or unconsciously, we choose to love. Falling in love is an expression that we use to describe it, because i

Marriage Reality

There are no less than 32 reality TV shows about weddings. "Four Weddings" is the marriage competition where 4 couples compete for the best wedding on national TV. Then there is "Bridezilla" where we get to make fun of the nightmare bride. But lets not forget about "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette" where we get to watch as people compete to win a bride or a husband. It makes the fight to save marriage from the Gays seem a little ridiculous. It also makes you wonder what they are fighting for. Does marriage equality mean they are getting an opportunity to be exploited on TV or to be divorced? The conventional wisdom and research seems to point to 40-50% of first marriages and 60% of second marriages end in divorce. Although I am skeptical of the research and statistics on that one, I certainly know a lot of people who have divorced. In my immediate family, the statistic is 30%. I don't exactly want to get into the reasons for divorce,

Why Marriage?

Why do we get married? Lord knows that marriage in this country has become a temporary transition to the next person. We live in a disposable society with water in plastic bottles and everything has packaging to discard. Our electronics are even disposable as we are encouraged to throw out our computers, iPods and cellphones after a year or two. But marriages were meant to last. ...'Til death do us part. But society has taught us that when something seems old and/or broken, you ditch it for a new model. Even if it's not, there is something better that just came out that you HAVE to have.   So WHY marriage? The wedding is expensive. Takes nearly a year to plan. You invariably piss someone off. And then there is the gifts, and should she change her last name? Ahh, there it is, change the name. The woman gets married to the man to become his property and to produce heirs. Right? That is where marriage originated, but it has transformed over the years and recently love even en