True Love gets a lot of fanfare on tv and movies. This notion that there is this ONE person out in a world of 7 billion people that is right for you, is such a romantic ideal. But for someone like myself who occasionally plays the Power Ball, with romantic ideas about becoming rich, I have come to realize the absurdity of the odds. If there is only one person for you then it is actually very tragic. I think it could also be very magical, if you are lucky like I am to have come together, against all odds, with the most beautiful, talented compliment to myself-my wife, Cory. We have been together for about 25 years now. Crazy. Wonderful.
But as I watch my Mom who, after the death of my Dad, was able to fall in love again, I know that true Love is not about that ONE person. It is, however, about one person. That person is you. True Love resides within. Love must be cultivated. You water it. Feed it. Nurture it within yourself so that you can let it expand outside of yourself. That Love becomes a beacon. When someone else whose beacon vibrates at your frequency comes close enough, you become attracted. Attraction turns to Love over time.
So how do you find true Love? You don't. You practice true Love. You love yourself first. You have to start with the ones closest to you. Love is something you feel more than something you do. Going shopping and buying yourself something nice, is not an act of Love in itself. You have a thought of Love; you feel Love; and then you act on it. Thought, feeling, action.
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