Remember that scene in Star Wars: A New Hope (the original, first of the series well before JarJar Binks), where Obi Wan and Darth Vader are fighting and Obi Wan says,
"You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." ?Well, to remind you, Obi Wan allows himself to be struck down by Darth Vader, but disappears. We later find him talking to Luke in his head. Well, I believe that Love is like that.
Obi Wan was Luke's spiritual teacher, coach and confidant. I don't think you can truly teach anyone without loving them first. Teaching is a form of Love. The wanting to raise your students to a new, smarter level is easily defined as Love. Not surprisingly, all the great spiritual leaders started as teachers. Jesus was called teacher by his disciples and continually taught.
For a student to learn, they must Love their teacher. Not in the perverted sense that we see in a few headlines, but a respect that allows the student to open up to receive their teachings.
When that teacher dies, something happens that solidifies their Love inside us - makes it stronger. That teacher could be a parent or a brother/sister or even a school teacher. I am not sure that I can put this is lay terms. This is metaphysical. It is as if the Love energy that was separate is now ... not. It is joined with God or the spiritual realm and vibrates at a frequency that is analogous to yours. Even if you do not believe in God, per se, science tells us that matter cannot be destroyed, but only changes form. The energy that was your teacher still remains. Once you make a connection, it is easy to connect. When that connection is not tied to physical form, it is even easier.
You see, Love connects. All the Love you show connects to the recipient. This becomes a "force" that the recipient can tap into especially in times of need even while you are alive, but I believe, is stronger after death. My father died. He was my spiritual teacher. I feel so very connected to him, that I believe he is writing most of this blog.
Use the "force" whenever possible. Tap into the elders that have gone before you. Expand Love in everything you do because what you do and what you say, sticks.
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