When does 1 + 1 = 1? When you are talking about love. Love is oneness. Love is a very esoteric concept, which is why I am writing this. But love is for everyone and should be a very exoteric concept. You don't have to be educated or rich to love. You are born in oneness. You are the product of 1 and 1 coming together. From your very conception, you are not alone. You, for nine months are actually physically inside your mother. The birthing process is a separation that makes us long for that closeness again.
How do you explain what love is? Love has so many facets and nuances that it is hard to explain in words. "Love is all you need. Love is a many splendored thing. All is fair in love. Love conquers all. (Love) is an ever-fixed mark, that looks on tempests and is never shaken." Beautiful bumper stickers, for sure, but they don't explain anything. My definition is oneness. Think of the number 111 (one eleven). It is three numbers, equal in value. When you put them together, you get one number. That is love. Equal and together. Oneness.
When you are "in love" you feel this attraction to someone. That attraction is the manifestation of your soul's need for closeness or oneness with another. Somehow there is a connection. That connection wants to connect more. You feel this invisible force field between you like two magnets pointed towards each other. When you are together you feel like you have never been apart. When one of you leaves to go out of town, the longing to be together can be unbearable at times.
It is amazing how natural this oneness is. When you are on the treadmill next to someone else, you will notice that your rhythms will start to match. Women who work together will find their periods will align. If you look in nature you will see a lot of things that align and connect.
The entire world is a metaphor or even a microcosm of what love is on a grander scale. Look at your own body. You have billions of cells and micro organisms all crammed together. When you look under a microscope you see so many individuals, but to the naked eye, you are but one person. Remove a limb and you will long for it back, I assure you. From an airplane, a city is a singularity, but from the ground it is full of separate people. Our maps all have boundaries of state lines and countries, but from space we are one blue planet. It is like a Seurat painting. Up close, it is a bunch of colored dots, but back up and you see a beautiful park.
We are one through love. Love is our need for oneness. We need to connect. That is why when we are "in love" we hold hands and kiss and snuggle. If you are ever feeling like your love is fading, just touch. Make a connection. You can recharge your love in a relationship simply by touch.
How do you explain what love is? Love has so many facets and nuances that it is hard to explain in words. "Love is all you need. Love is a many splendored thing. All is fair in love. Love conquers all. (Love) is an ever-fixed mark, that looks on tempests and is never shaken." Beautiful bumper stickers, for sure, but they don't explain anything. My definition is oneness. Think of the number 111 (one eleven). It is three numbers, equal in value. When you put them together, you get one number. That is love. Equal and together. Oneness.
When you are "in love" you feel this attraction to someone. That attraction is the manifestation of your soul's need for closeness or oneness with another. Somehow there is a connection. That connection wants to connect more. You feel this invisible force field between you like two magnets pointed towards each other. When you are together you feel like you have never been apart. When one of you leaves to go out of town, the longing to be together can be unbearable at times.
It is amazing how natural this oneness is. When you are on the treadmill next to someone else, you will notice that your rhythms will start to match. Women who work together will find their periods will align. If you look in nature you will see a lot of things that align and connect.
The entire world is a metaphor or even a microcosm of what love is on a grander scale. Look at your own body. You have billions of cells and micro organisms all crammed together. When you look under a microscope you see so many individuals, but to the naked eye, you are but one person. Remove a limb and you will long for it back, I assure you. From an airplane, a city is a singularity, but from the ground it is full of separate people. Our maps all have boundaries of state lines and countries, but from space we are one blue planet. It is like a Seurat painting. Up close, it is a bunch of colored dots, but back up and you see a beautiful park.
We are one through love. Love is our need for oneness. We need to connect. That is why when we are "in love" we hold hands and kiss and snuggle. If you are ever feeling like your love is fading, just touch. Make a connection. You can recharge your love in a relationship simply by touch.
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