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Showing posts from July, 2012

Intend Love

My dad used to tell me that sin was based on intention. If you knowingly do something against God or God's will, it's a sin. I tell my kids that there are no bad words, just some ugly words that are made uglier by bad intentions. What is intention? Intention is a noun that means aim or plan. To intend then is to have (a course of action) as one's purpose or objective; plan. Planning takes forethought. I come from a long line of Barrons who have problems making plans, so I know that planning can take some work. I think it also comes from the idea that if you don't make plans, you can't have plans that fall through. But forethought and planning have a lot to do with Love. As sin is done with ill-intention, Love is done by good and honorable intention. You have to intend to do, show and feel Love. I find myself so self-involved some days that I am surprised by the presence of people around me, all of the sudden, when they have been there all the time.You have to b